Donate for School Fees of Imran Basha's Children.

2.70 %

₹ 500 Raised

₹ 18,500 Goal

43 days left


Zakat Eligible

Zakat Eligibility: Yes

Location: Bellary, Karnataka

As-Salaam-u-Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barak'Atuhu, 

I am Imran Basha from Bellary, Karnataka, reaching out with a heavy heart, seeking your kind support for my children's education. I was working as an electrician, but I recently lost my job. Now, I am managing part-time work, but my income is barely enough to cover daily expenses, making it impossible for me to pay my children's school fees.  

My three children— Mohammad Mufeez (Class 5/A), Umme Sadaf (Class 8/B), and Mohammad Tousif (Class 10/A) —are bright students with a passion for learning. However, due to financial difficulties, I fear they might have to discontinue their education, which would deeply affect their future.  

The total amount required for their school fees is beyond my capacity at the moment. I humbly request my brothers and sisters in faith to extend their generous support so that my children can continue their studies without interruption. Your help will not only ease my burden but also ensure that my children receive the education they deserve.  

May Allah (SWT) bless you abundantly for your kindness and grant you success in both worlds. Ameen.  

Jazak'Allahu Khairan Kaseera 

Imran Basha
Bellary, Karnataka


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Created -27 Jan, 2025
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