Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and is considered a religious obligation for Muslims. It is a form of charity that requires Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to those in need. The purpose of Zakat is to provide support to the less fortunate in society and to promote social justice. In Islamic tradition, Zakat is viewed as a means of purifying one's wealth and attaining spiritual growth. It is calculated as a percentage of a Muslim's savings and assets and is typically given to the poor, orphans, widows, and other disadvantaged individuals. The exact percentage varies, but it is typically 2.5% of a Muslim's wealth. The act of giving Zakat is considered an act of worship and a demonstration of one's commitment to the principles of Islam.

The calculation of Zakat in Islam is based on a person's wealth and assets. The following steps can be used to calculate Zakat:
1. Determine the total value of assets: This includes money in savings and checking accounts, stocks, bonds, and any other assets that are considered wealth.
2. Subtract debts: Debts should be subtracted from the total value of assets to arrive at the net worth.
3. Calculate the Zakat: The amount of Zakat to be paid is typically 2.5% of the net worth. This percentage is known as the "Zakat rate."
4. Determine the recipients of Zakat: The recipients of Zakat include the poor, orphans, widows, and other disadvantaged individuals.

After completing one year on the nisab of Zakat it is mandatory to pay 2.5% Zakat after calculating all the zakatable items. At the time of completing the year the amount shall not be deducted for future needs. Hence amount equal to the car lease, rent of flat, school fee of children, bills related to other facilities and the eatables for oneself and for family shall not be deducted from the Zakat calculation. However, as much amount has been spent in the need before completing the year or the debt which is due whether it is in form of due school fees or the amount of food materials bought on credit or due bills they will be deducted from the Zakat amount.

After turning sahib-e-nisab when one complete year passes over the wealth then it is wajib to pay Zakat of that wealth. And that time i.e. at the time of completing one year whatsoever zakatable amount is in your hand you will have to pay its Zakat after deducting debts if any. Zakat becomes fardh only once in a year on wealth. It is not so that a person who is sahib-e-nisab has to pay Zakat each month on his salary. If you think like this then it is not correct concept.

The amount which you have fixed its Zakat is wajib on you. If you pay it each year then it is better but if you pay the Zakat of all the previous years together when you receive the amount then it is also better.

No, Zakat will not be wajib on this plot. Yes, when it is sold out and you have cash money in your hand then Zakat will be wajib on cash money as per the rules.

No. When you get rent after the house is built then Zakat will be wajib as per the rule of cash on completion of the year.

If you bought it with the intention of business but later on the intention changed then no Zakat will be wajib in future.

X whose intention was business i.e. earning profit by selling it he will have to pay the Zakat of his share in plot each year. And whose intention was not of business no Zakat will be wajib on him on the value of his share in the plot. However, when the plot is sold out and the cash is in hand then Zakat will be wajib on cash as per the rule of Zakat.

Zakat will be wajib each year on the capital and on the profits which you earn on it. Lunar year is taken into consideration in paying Zakat and obligation of Zakat. Thus you should calculate your Zakat as per Islamic calendar (Muharram, Safar etc.) instead of the year 2018-2020.

In the question mentioned above, if your father is owner of the money and jewelry which he has kept for the marriage of your sister then its Zakat shall be wajib on him.

In the above mentioned case there is no Zakat on the value of that shop. However, Zakat shall be wajib on the income earned through it provided the conditions that make Zakat obligatory are found.

You will have to pay 300 rupees as Zakat on 12000 rupees. However, Zakat is paid as per lunar calendar. Thus, mark the day of the lunar date on which you became sahib-e-nisab and pay your Zakat on the same date each year.

Zakat is wajib only on the property which is bought with the firm intention of selling. If some property is not bought rather one received it as inheritance or gift or at the time of buying there was no firm intention of selling rather various points were in the mind then Zakat will not be wajib on such land. Rather if in future sometimes it is sold then too the Zakat of previous years or that year will not be wajib. However the money which is received after selling shall be counted as general income and as per the conditions Zakat shall be wajib on it.

You may pay the Zakat of the nisab money before one year completes over it and when you calculate the Zakat after passing the year then deduct the amount of Zakat which you have already paid. It is not necessary to pay its Zakat of again.

According to Shariah, it is called istisna (to get something prepared on order) to buy some flat or other products with the specification of features and with the condition of delivering it in some future date. Under istisna contract whatsoever advance amount the buyer pays in advance or in installments its sole owner is the seller (builder) and its Zakat is wajib on him. Hence in the question mentioned above, if you at the time of booking the flat kept in mind the said conditions (specification of features and the condition of delivering it in future) then it shall be called istisna contract and the amount which you have paid its Zakat shall not be wajib on you rather it shall be wajib on the seller (builder).

It is lawful for you to take Zakat money if you are eligible to receive Zakat. After taking Zakat you are free whether you spend it on yourself or on your family, there is no harm in it.

There is no Zakat on the amount which you have paid.

If you became sahib-e-nisab due to the gold which you have last year or including the cash etc then when one year passes over it then include the gold and cash amount with it which you received later and pay the Zakat of altogether.

Yes, the money which you have given to your friends and brothers as debt and you are sure to receive that money back and you are sahib-e-nisab in view the total Zakat money then its Zakat is wajib on you, and you may pay its Zakat once you receive the money. And if you pay the Zakat of those money each year and do not wait its repayment then there is no harm in it rather in some aspect it is better.

If your father gave the money in the possession of your mother during his lifetime then your mother became its owner. And if your father did not make her its owner rather he died while the money was in his possession then the money became inheritance after his death and your mother shall get one eighth as her share, while you as well as any other heirs shall get their share in the rest amount. After all, whether your father gave the money to your mother during his lifetime and make her its sole owner or after the death of your father the property was divided and your mother got her share, in each case, the Zakat of that money shall be due on your mother from the time she became its owner up to the time of completing one year provided it is equal to nisab or she became sahib-e-nisab in case of combining other nisab.

Yes, if you are not sahib-e-nisab then you can take Zakat from the said person and pay off your debt. According to Shariah it is lawful.

Both the husband and wife shall pay their Zakat on their respective wealth provided both are sahib-e-nisab separately. It shall not be taken into consideration if the wealth of both is combined together and the combined wealth reaches up to the nisab. If the wealth of none of them reaches up to nisab separately then no Zakat shall be wajib on any of them.

After paying income tax, if you are owner of nisab, then you will have to pay Zakat after completion of the year. The obligation of Zakat shall not be dropped due to paying income tax.

If the relative who is going to marry is poor and eligible to receive Zakat and you hand over Zakat to him and give it into his complete possession then your Zakat shall be paid. Further, if that poor relative invites you in marriage party, you may attend it and eat therein. The ruling changes when the ownership changes. But it is not correct to feed with the Zakat money directly without giving it into his complete possession. If that relative is not eligible to receive Zakat, then it is not lawful to give him Zakat.

If, after deducting the amount of debt, you are left with gold and cash in a quantity which makes you sahib-e-nisab, then you will have to pay Zakat when one year completes on your nisab. It is not right to make delay in paying Zakat after completion of the year. However, if it is impossible for you to pay all the Zakat in one time, then you may pay in parts and calculate at the end of the year. However, in case you could not pay the Zakat of some years, you can pay it later.

Zakat shall not be paid by feeding poor and needy ones in the mosque or somewhere else as tamlik (giving in the possession of poor) is a condition for the payment of Zakat, while the condition of tamlik is missing in case of feeding on dining table as only it is permission (ibahat) to eat. However, if poor and those eligible for Zakat are made owner of the food with the intention of Zakat then Zakat shall be paid equal to the price of food.

It is not lawful to give Zakat money to one’s maidservant as remuneration of her services. Yes, if you pay her salary and in addition give Zakat money to her as reward then it is allowable. If the maidservant is sahib-e-nisab then your Zakat shall not be paid if you give her your Zakat. Hence it is not better to decide merely on conjecture rather you should ask the maidservant in person or enquire by some other means then go ahead accordingly. Some women apparently look poor but they own gold jewelry etc which makes them sahib-e-nisab, so it is necessary to enquire about it. However whatsoever Zakat you have given in past thinking her poor it was paid and valid.

The interest based loan brings loss, curse and misfortune. You should not have taken interest based loan. In the above mentioned case, no Zakat shall be wajib on that fifteen lakh which is in your hand.

Only poor and needy Muslims are eligible for wajib sadaqah i.e. Zakat and sadaqah al-fitr etc. provided they are not Sayyids. Zakat and Fitrah cannot be given to a non-Muslim whether he is poor. However you may give him help and gift etc.

Zakat becomes wajib on plot, flat, motor, vehicle etc only when the person buys them with the intention of selling as in such a case it is trading material. And Zakat is wajib on trading materials provided the condition of Zakat is found. And if someone bought plot, flat etc for his personal use or accommodation or with the intention of gifting it to someone or with the intention of making a will of, then as per the Shari’ah it is not trading material and hence no Zakat shall be wajib on them. In the question mentioned above the plot and flat which you have bought you didn’t buy them with the intention of selling rather you bought them with the intention to gift to your elder and younger daughters at their marriages hence no Zakat shall be wajib on the plot and flat

It is better that Zakat is paid on compilation of the year as soon as possible. No delay should be made in paying it. However if someone due to not having the arrangement of money or due to not finding real eligible person pays the complete Zakat or some installments later then it is allowable as per the Shariah. However all the Zakat should necessarily be paid within one year. No delay should be made more than one year in paying it; otherwise the person shall be sinner due to making delay in paying the Zakat.

There is no Zakat on these things of personal use.

If you are already sahib-e-nisab then when the year completes and Zakat becomes wajib on you, you will have to pay the Zakat of your PF at that time, it is not necessary to complete one year on PF separately.

It is not lawful to give Zakat to one’s son as Zakat will not be paid. If the son is financially weak, then he should be supported by other means. In-shaAllah, you shall get its best reward.

If the teacher is poor and eligible for receiving Zakat, then a student may give Zakat to his teacher. However, it is better that instead of giving Zakat amount to a teacher, he supports him by other ways.

There is no Zakat on the plot which you bought with the intention of building a house. Zakat shall be wajib on the plot which you bought with the intention of selling, no problem if you intend to spend the amount in building the house, provided the conditions that make Zakat wajib are found.

Whatever amount was received from selling the old house, if it reaches up to the nisab (i.e. you became sahib-e-nisab due to that amount), and if you were not sahib-e-nisab before then, from that day, one year onward, Zakat shall be wajib on that amount. If you buy a house or agricultural land with that amount before completing one year, then its Zakat shall not be wajib. In short, Zakat becomes wajib after one year from the day on which you became the owner of nisab. If you were already sahib-e-nisab and received that amount in between the year, it will be combined with the amount of nisab, and Zakat of the total amount shall be paid on the Zakat date. In case that amount is spent for a need, then its Zakat shall be dropped.

It is not necessary to pay Zakat in cash only; rather, it may also be paid in kind (such as food, clothing, etc.), and Zakat equal to the market price of the given thing shall be paid. However, it is mandatory that Zakat is given to those who are entitled to receive it.

According to Shariah, lineage is considered from the father’s side, not the mother’s side. Thus, if the big brother of your wife is not a Sayyed, then his children shall also not be termed to be Sayyed. Therefore, if their children are not sahib-e-nisab, you may give them Zakat money for their monthly expenses. However, since your wife’s sister is a Syed, you cannot give Zakat to her.

(1, 2, 3) When your sister has jewelry equal to the value of one lakh rupees, then she is sahib-e-nisab. Thus, it is not lawful to give her Zakat.
(4) Ask your sister to sell all the jewelry and spend on her children, and when the amount is finished or remains less than nisab, then you may give your Zakat to your sister.

In order to pay the Zakat, tamlik (ownership transfer) is a condition, i.e., the amount of Zakat must be given to an eligible person, and he must be made its owner. You may give your Zakat in the possession of some poor Muslim patient, and then he has the option whether he uses it for his treatment or for his other needs. It is not correct to give Zakat money directly to the hospital.

The sale price will be taken into consideration when paying Zakat, not the purchase price. Thus, while paying Zakat, whatever rate is applicable to business materials in the market, you should pay your Zakat according to that rate.

The land which your elder brother has gifted to your sick brother, if he has given it into his complete possession, and that land is more than his need and is equal to nisab, then your sick brother is not eligible to receive Zakat. Thus, it is not lawful to give him Zakat, or wajib sadaqah, or interest amount. However, you may give him nafl sadaqah.

If the land which your uncle owns is extra from his primary necessities or the money and business materials which he owns its value reaches up to the nisab i.e. 612 gram and 360 milligram silver after deducting the debts then your uncle is sahib-e-nisab as per the Shariah and it is not lawful to give him Zakat amount. Yes, if the daughter of your uncle is poor and eligible to receive Zakat i.e. she does not own such money, jewelry etc and other things beyond her primary needs that reaches up to the nisab then you may give her Zakat. But don’t give such amount in one go that she becomes sahib-e-nisab, it is makrooh to do so. After she becomes sahib-e-nisab by receiving a sufficient amount of Zakat, she will not become eligible for Zakat again until she spends the amount i.e. she becomes poor and eligible to receive Zakat. Ref:

If your maid stays with you merely to live better, to eat better and to learn better and looks after your newborn and she is not a employed with salary and she is eligible to receive Zakat i.e. she is adult, and she does not belong to a Sayed family and she is also not sahib-e-nisab, and, if she is not adult and her father is not sahib-e-nisab then you may give her your Zakat as a gift. However, if any servant bearing the above mentioned qualities is your salaried employee then you may also give her Zakat amount in the name of gift other than the salary.

1) Your sister cannot give her Zakat to her husband even though he is eligible to receive Zakat.
2) If your brother-in-law is eligible to receive Zakat, then you may give your Zakat to him. Once he takes possession of it and becomes its owner, if he invests it in his business, your Zakat will be considered paid.
3) Once you give your Zakat to your brother-in-law, he will become its owner and can spend it as he wishes. If he spends this money on his family members, including your sister, there is no harm in that. Zakat remains wajib on your sister. If your brother-in-law spends it on his wife, there is no issue.

If your Sali is eligible to receive Zakat i.e. she does not own 52.5 tola silver or gold equal to its price and some cash or cash amount or goods equal to its price that is more than the necessities of life then you may give her Zakat.

If your parents allow it, or if your parents have given you complete possession of the money, then you may give that money in charity and sadaqah. According to Shariah, there is no harm in it.

You (daughters) may help your parents with gift, present and contribution. You (daughters) cannot give the amount of your Zakat to your parents. However the Zakat of your husbands could be given to your parents. Thus you should give the Zakat of your husbands with their permission to your mother and father, Zakat will be paid. It is neither necessary to inform the husband to whom you are giving the Zakat nor it is necessary to tell your parents what types of amount is given to them. You may also give them Zakat money in the name of gift.

No Zakat is wajib on the said two flats. Zakat is wajib on things which are bought with the intention of business to earn a profit. In such a case, it becomes business material, and hence Zakat becomes wajib on it. Both of your flats have been bought with the intention to live; hence no Zakat shall be wajib on their value.

(1) No! Whatever currency a man has, its Zakat is wajib on him upon the completion of the year as per the lunar calendar, whether it is in a savings or current account, or in the house or in the pocket.
(2) Whatever business goods, gold, silver, and currency you have on the day when the year of your Zakat completes, you must pay the fortieth part (2.5%) of the total value as Zakat. However, if you received some interest on the amount deposited in the bank, then there is no need to pay its Zakat. As the amount of interest is filth and the man is not its owner. Rather that money should be left in the banks in Islamic countries or it can be spent in non-Shariah taxes, and in non-Islamic countries, it should be given in charity without the intention of reward.
(3) Yes, it was correct.

  • Zakat is an important pillar among the five pillars of Islam.
  • It is an obligatory act ordained by Allah (The Glorified and Exalted) to be performed by every adult and able-bodied Muslim.
  • It is levied on specific assets only, identified by Shariah (Islamic Law) as assets having the potential for growth.
  • It is a part of the wealth and property that Muslims must pay annually, to help the poor of their community.
  • It is levied at the rate of 2.5% each year (calculated according to the lunar calendar) on the market value of the Zakat-able assets after deducting there from specified liabilities.
  • The compulsory transfer of ownership of a portion of the property of the giver, calculated at the rate of 2.5% as aforesaid, to a poor and needy Muslim who qualifies to receive Zakat according to the Shariah.
  • It is an Ibada’h (worship) and not a tax, Obligatory on every Muslim who owns Nisab viz. 613.35 grams of silver, or 87.49 grams of gold or who owns one or more assets liable to Zakat, equal in value to 613.35 grams of silver or 87.49 grams of gold. Zakat is 2.5% of your total wealth. If you have £1,000 of wealth you are then liable to pay Zakat of £25.


The moment you possess wealth above the nisab threshold you become eligible to pay zakat. However, no payment is due on that date itself. In explanations of Zakat, you may hear the term hawl – which means a lunar year. A hawl (lunar year) is 354 days long. Sometimes it is simply referred to as an Islamic year. The actual payment of Zakat is to be made one hawl (lunar year) after you become eligible to pay Zakat if your wealth on that date is still at – or above – the nisab threshold. It does not matter if your wealth decreases or increases during the year. It is the value of your wealth/assets at the end of the lunar year that is used to calculate and pay the Zakat (if it still exceeds the nisab). Ref:

Zakat is due on a yearly basis when a morally responsible Muslim possesses the minimal zakatable-amount (nisab) above and beyond his debts and immediate expenses, and a complete lunar year passes over it.In calculating one’s Zakat one calculates all his zakatable assets together.In calculating one’s Zakat one calculates all his zakatable assets together

“Zakatable assets” include:

  • Cash – whether in currency form or in the bank,
  • Gold and Silver,
  • Money lent out,
  • Trade goods,
  • Stocks, and
  • Agricultural produce.

After one calculates the above, one deducts:

  • Debts, and
  • Immediate expenses.


The Holy Qur’an (9:60) specifies eight categories for the distribution of Zakat:
  • The poor
  • The needy
  • Zakat administrators
  • Those whose hearts are to be reconciled
  • Those in slavery
  • The debt-ridden
  • In the way of Allah
  • The destitute traveler


The prophet (pbuh) fixed the nisab of gold and silver which are 87.49 grams of gold or 613.35 of silver. The value of these 87.49 grams of gold and 613.35 might have been the same at the time of the prophet (pbuh). The value of both metals change daily in the markets. On June 30, 2010 the nisab of gold at the rate of ($40.00 per gram x 87.49) was $3499.60 and the nisab of silver at the rate of ($0.60 per gram x 613.35) was $368.01. To benefit the poor, scholars consider the nisab which ever is less between gold and silver. At present nisab of silver is less, hence whoever has $368.01 for a full year is liable to pay zakat.

When a person’s wealth reaches above nisab he or she must right it down that date. It might be any time during the lunar calendar. Once 12 lunar calendar months has passed zakat is due whether it is Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramadan))) or not. If there is a situation where a persons wealth/assets go below the nisab, zakat will only be due when wealth/assets reach the value of nisab and stay above it for one year.

  • Zakat cannot be given to parents, grandfather, etc., or to one’s children and grandchildren. A husband and wife cannot give Zakat to each other.
  • Zakat contributions cannot be given to such institutions or organizations who do not give the rightful recipients (Masaarif) possession of Zakat, but instead use Zakat funds for construction, investment or salaries.
  • Zakat cannot be given to non-Muslims. The same ruling applies to Waajib Sadaqah (charity), i.e., Sadaqatul Fitr, Kaffarah, Ush’r and Naz’r. Naf’l Sadaqah could be given to non-Muslims.
  • If one cannot determine whether the recipient is needy or not, then it is better to make certain before giving him Zakat. If Zakat is given without inquiry and subsequently it is known that the recipient is wealthy the Zakat is not valid. It has to be given again. .
  • Zakat will not be fulfilled by purchasing books for an institution, or land purchased for public utility and made Wak’f.
  • Zakat cannot be used for the Kaf’n of a deceased person who has no heirs, because at that time he/she cannot become the owner.
  • A dead person’s debt cannot be paid from Zakat.

Zakat-ul-Fitr is for fasting Muslims to give food or money on behalf of fasting people. The food or money is equal to one day's meals for one person. The head of the family pays this amount on behalf of each person in the family. If he is responsible for his mother and father, then he has to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr for them too.
If a person cannot fast permanently in the month of Ramzan (for instance, because of illness), they have to pay Fitra for each fasting day.

The Quran describes eight categories of people who are to receive Zakat in Surah 9, verse 60. "As-Sadaqat (here it means Zakat) are only for the Fuqara and Al-Masakin and those employed to collect the (funds); and to attract the hearts of those who have been inclined (towards Islam); and to free the captives; and for those in debt; and for Allah's Cause, and for the wayfarer; a duty imposed by Allah. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise."

Ahmad Sakr elaborated on these categories:

1. The poor (Fuqara): This refers to someone who has no income.
2. The needy (Masakin): This is someone who for instance, may have a job, a house and a car, but their income is below the minimum requirement.
3. Employees of the Zakat. This category is sub-divided into the following:
  • the group of people who are social services workers who go into the community to evaluate who is Faqeer and Miskeen.
  • those who collect the Zakat money.
  • the accountant of the Zakat money
  • investors who increase the share of the Zakat
  • he clerical worker or secretary who puts the files in order
  • those who will deliver Zakat to the ones who need it
  • the outside auditor.

4. Sympathizers: These are those people who might enter or who have already entered Islam. Anyone we feel are good friends or ours (non-Muslim or new Muslims) we give them a gift from the Zakat money.
5. To free slaves (Riqab): Riqab is the term used to describe the group of people who are slaves. The Zakat money is used to free the slaves. Sakr stresses that Islam did not invent slavery, but it gradually abolished it.
6. For the Gharimeen (those who are in debt): Zakat money is used to pay off debts but these people are not living in luxury, they are living a normal life. For example, someone who has gone bankrupt because of job loss and is overloaded with debt.
7. Fee Sabeelillah (For the Cause of Allah): This can be anything for the love of Allah. Sakr gave the following examples:
  1. for the employment of a Daiyah, Imam, or religious teachers to do Dawa
  2. building Islamic schools
  3. building Muslim clinics and hospitals
  4. providing money to young men who want to marry but cannot afford Mahr
  5. to assist poor travelers
  6. to establish water springs on streets for those walking or travelers (please note, these last three things were done by Khalifa Umar ibn Abdul Aziz)
  7. to defend Muslims who are under attack
  8. For television, radio or newspaper project aimed at doing Dawa
  9. to help someone publish a book for Dawa
  10. to pay for the studies of a student.
  11. Ibn as Sabeel
8. Ibn as Sabeel (Traveler): This refers to a traveler in need, such as someone who has lost their wallet and needs help to return home.
This refers to a traveler, for instance who has lost his wallet and has to get back to his home.
Sakr stresses that this has to be verified to see if this person is really telling the truth, since there has been at least one case of a man claiming to be a lost traveler in North America who has stolen thousands from Muslims claiming to be a traveler of this type.

No, as long as you have one house, whether you have paid it off or not. If you have a second house for investment purposes, this is Zakatable. You would pay 2.5 percent on the total saved from the house. This excludes what is spent on maintenance or property taxes and insurance. It's the same thing for a car. If you are renting a car to someone, this is considered a business entity, therefore, it is also Zakatable at 2.5 percent.

First of all, the business should be Halal.
There are three opinions amongst the scholars:
  • If a businessman earns a certain amount from his business, whatever he saves after taking care of his family's needs and his business expenses, he pays Zakat of 2.5 percent on what he has saved.
  • A businessman has to pay Zakat on the commodities in his store. This would require evaluating the purchasing power of the commodity and then paying 2.5 percent on this amount.
  • Everything is from Allah and everything goes back to Allah. The more you give on your commodities, the better, and it does not have to be 2.5 percent.

The early Muslims actually paid Zakat everyday instead of paying in a large bulk once a year.
Some scholars have advised that we plan in advance for our Zakat because we might die and our inheritors may not pay the Zakat we owe.
Another group of scholars say for businesses, you should pay in advance. The way you would do this is by estimating how much business you will make and pay 2.5 percent.
If you decide to pay Zakat daily, give a specific amount to one of the eight categories, but nobody but you and Allah should know that you are giving, since some will feel it demeaning and insulting.

Most Muslims prefer to give their Zakat in Ramzan (Ramadan) because there are more rewards for doing so, but it is not necessary to pay Zakat in this blessed month.
Sakr noted that Muslims are in need throughout the year, not just in Ramzan (Ramadan), so we can benefit Muslims by paying other times of the year as well.

Zakat ul Mal and Zakat ul Fitr.
The first difference between Zakat and Zakat ul Fitr is eligibility. All Muslims, who have enough food for a day, must pay Zakat ul Fitr (otherwise known as Fitrana) regardless of their age or financial status.
However, Zakat is given only if a Muslim has the Nisab level.
The nisab threshold is the minimum amount of wealth a Muslim must have before he or she becomes eligible to pay Zakat.
The second difference lies in the amount due. The amount attributed to Zakat al Fitr is very small - with Penny Appeal, it costs just £3.50, the cost of a nutritious meal. It is the same amount for all, regardless of financial situation.
Zakat, however, depends on your personal wealth, because it's comprised of 2.5% of all net savings, so it varies greatly from person to person.
The third difference lies in their due dates. Zakat can be paid at any time, with the only condition being that the earnings reflect one year’s worth of net savings (one lunar year).
Zakat ul Fitr, or Fitrana, however, is paid during Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramadan))) before the month ends. It needs to be paid before the Eid prayers at the very latest. This is a very specific time frame that all Muslims must abide by.

Zakat is a commandment from Allah (swt) to the believers. It is stressed in both the Qur’an and the Sunnah. In fact, the word Zakat is mentioned 30 times in the Qur’an.
It's also one of the five pillars of Islam, along with the shahadah (declaring the oneness of Allah), salah (prayer), sawm (fasting), and Hajj (the pilgrimage).

1. It purifies your wealth: Zakat spiritually purifies your wealth and soul. It's a way to learn discipline, show your obedience to Allah (swt) and increase in love for your brothers and sisters worldwide.
2. A sign of brotherhood: If there ever was a time we need unity and to come together, it's now. The Qur’an describes as brothers in faith and Zakat is one of the best ways to demonstrate this brotherhood.
“But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and give their Zakat, they are your brethren in Faith.”
Zakat is a way of increasing love, harmony and connection between Muslims.
3. A sign of a faithful community: “The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, pay their Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” (Surah Al-Taubah 9:71)
4. Gaining closeness to Allah (swt): Zakat is both a physical and a spiritual act, and thereby it's a way of gaining proximity to Allah (swt).
5. The removal of sins: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Giving charity wipes away sins just as water extinguishes fire.”

Assets that are included in the Zakat calculation are cash, shares, pensions, gold and silver, business goods and income from investment property.
Personal items such as home, furniture, cars, food and clothing (unless used for business purposes) are not included.

If you are in the UK, you can choose to set up a recurring monthly direct debit for any UK-based charity on JustGiving in order to fulfill your Zakat. If you are based in the US, your ability to opt-in to recurring monthly donations is dependent on your chosen charity's payment processor.

The phrase ‘100% donation policy’ pops up a lot, especially on social media. We are here to help de-mystify Zakat and explain the clear and robust policy Muslim Hands has when we help you honour this noble duty. Check out the facts:

The scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) are agreed that it is not permissible for a man to give obligatory Zakat to one on whom he is obliged to spend. For more information, please see the answer to question no. 81122.
The fiancée and her family are not among those on whom the suitor is obliged to spend, so if they are poor and in need, it is permissible for him to give Zakat to them.
It says in Sharh az-Zarkashi ‘ala al-‘Khuraqi (2/429): ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: If they are relatives who are not your dependents, then give them the Zakat of your wealth; if they are your dependents, then do not give them [Zakat], and do not give it to those who are your dependents.
If you give Zakat to her, then it becomes her property and she may spend it on what she needs, whether that is the costs of completing her studies or of preparing herself for marriage.
But that is on condition that she does not buy things that the husband is obliged to buy, so that the husband will not be giving Zakat instead of buying some of the things that he is obliged to buy.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If a person receives money in a legitimate manner, then it becomes his property and he may dispose of it however he wishes in ways that Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, has permitted."(Fatawa Nur ‘ala ad-Darb)

The authentic Sunnah states that the Zakat on gold and silver is one quarter of one tenth, i.e., 2.5%. A similar rate applies to trade goods and currency nowadays.
Al-Bukhari (1454) narrated from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) that Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote to him this document when he sent him to Bahrain: “This is the obligatory charity that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) enjoined upon the Muslims and that Allah enjoined upon His Messenger:… for silver, one quarter of one tenth.”
Abu Dawud (1572) narrated from ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “If you have two hundred dirhams and one full year has passed, then five dirhams are due on them. You do not have to pay anything - i.e. on gold -- unless you have twenty dinars; if you have twenty dinars and one full year has passed, then half a dinar is due on them, and if the number increases then work it out on this basis.” (Classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih Abi Dawud)
Ibn Majah (1791) narrated from Ibn ‘Umar and `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with them both) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to take from every twenty dinars or more, half a dinar, and from forty dinars, one dinar. (Classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih Ibn Majah)
Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated in al-Musnad (9966) with a good chain of transmission from ‘Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said: “Nothing is due on anything less than twenty dinars; for twenty dinars, half a dinar is due; for forty dinars, one dinar is due. For anything more than that, it is to be worked out.” (Irwa al-Ghalil, 3/291)
These hadiths indicate that the Zakat on gold and silver is 2.5%, and there is scholarly consensus on this point.

With regard to when the obligatory duty of Zakat began, that was in Makkah before the Hijrah, then from the second year AH the definition of the rates and the detailed rulings were established.
Hence some scholars say that Zakat was made obligatory in the second year AH.
Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
“It is not far-fetched to say that the principle of obligatory charity (Zakat) was enjoined at the beginning of the Prophet’s mission, as in the verse (interpretation of the meaning): 'but pay the due thereof on the day of their harvest' [al-An'am 6:141]. As for the Zakat in which there is a minimum threshold and set rates, that was introduced in Madinah.”
He also said:
“The obligation of Zakat came in the second year AH in Madinah, according to what was stated by more than one.” (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 7/164)
Al-Haytami said in Tuhfat al-Muhtaj (3/209):
“The obligation to pay Zakat on one’s wealth came in the second year AH, after sadaqat al-fitr was introduced.”
In Hashiyat al-Bujayrami ‘ala al-Khatib (2/313) it says: “With regard to the words 'was enjoined in the second year', there was a difference of opinion as to which month that happened in. What was stated by our shaykh al-Babili is that the most well-known view of the hadith scholars is that it was enjoined in Shawwal of the year mentioned.” (See: Asna’l-Matalib, 4/175; Kashshaf al-Qina’, 2/166)
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
“Zakat was enjoined, according to the soundest opinion of the scholars, in Makkah, but the definition of the minimum threshold and types of wealth on which Zakat is due, and who is entitled to Zakat, came in Madinah.” (Majmu‘ Fatawa Ibn ‘Uthaymin, 13/1357)

Zakaat al-Fitr is obligatory upon every Muslim who is obliged to spend on himself, if he has surplus to his and his dependents’ needs for the day and night of Eid; he must give one saa‘ of food, because of the report narrated by Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) enjoined zakat al-fitr at the end of Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramadan))) upon the people, a saa‘ of dates or a saa‘ of barley, to be given on behalf of everyone, free or slave, male or female, among the Muslims.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1503) and Muslim (984)
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: al-Bayhaqi said: The scholars are unanimously agreed that sadaqat al-fitr (zakat al-fitr) is obligatory. Ibn al-Mundhir also narrated in al-Ashraaf that there was consensus on this matter.
It says in Nayl al-Awtaar (4/218): With regard to delaying it until after the day of Eid, Ibn Ruslaan said: That is haraam according to consensus, because it is an obligatory Zakat. So it must be a sin to delay it, as is the case with delaying prayer until the time for it ends.
The one who has not given it must give it for past years, and also repent and pray for forgiveness, because it is the right of the poor and needy, so it cannot be waived; rather it must be given to them.
The four madhhabs (schools of thought) are agreed on this.
Al-‘Abbaadi, who was one of the Hanafis, said: If they delay it until after the day of (Eid) al-Fitr, it is not waived and they must give it… even if it a long time has passed since it was due … End quote from al-Jawharah al-Nayyirah (1/135)
In Mawaahib al-Jaleel Sharh Mukhtasar Khaleel (2/376) it says: It is not waived when the time for it is over. It says in al-Mudawwanah: If the one who can afford it delays it, he must make it up for past years.
It says in Mughni al-Muhtaaj (2/122): It is haraam to delay it until after the day of Eid, unless there is a valid excuse, such as not having access to one’s wealth, or there not being any people who are entitled to it, because that leads to missing out on the purpose for which it was ordained, which is to make them independent of any need to ask of people on the day of the celebration. If a person delays it with no excuse, he is sinning and must make it up.

These conditions are: The owner of the livestock has to be a Muslim, free and owns them in full, i.e., for example they are not lost or stolen or taken forcefully by someone else. These animals have to be owned by its owner for one full lunar year. Moreover, the owner or his delegate has to graze them in a mubah pasture, i.e., a pasture not owned by anyone. These animals have also to be non-working animals, i.e., they are not used, for example, in plowing. The number of animals available of each type must also be equated to a certain number of these types (nisab).

The first nisab of camels is 5. One is obligated to give in as Zakat a she-lamb or she-goat. The first nisab of cows and bulls is 30. One is obligated to give in as Zakat a one-year old he-bull (tabi^). The first nisab of sheep and goats is 40. One is obligated to give in az Zakat a lamb or a she-goat. The she-goat is a goat which has completed two years of age. The tabi^ is a bull which has completed one year of age. The lamb refers to either a she- or he-sheep which has completed one full lunar year and started the second, or that which has lost its baby teeth.

The first nisab for these items is 5 awsuq. 5 awsuq amounts to 300 sa^ of the sa^ of the prophet, salla-l-lahu ^alayhi wa sallam. This sa^ is 4 amdad. (This amounts to 715 kilograms of wheat.) One mudd is a one moderate two-handful. One has to give in Zakat one-tenth (1/10th) of the harvest. This is when these items were not watered by one; otherwise, in this case, one has to give in as Zakat one-twentieth (1/20th) of the harvest. The Zakat on the amount exceeding nisab has to be calculated accordingly, but if one had less than the above nisab there is no obligated Zakat.

The harvest of the same year is combined together. However, one type cannot be combined with another. Thus, wheat cannot be combined with barley, for example.

These conditions are: The owner of these items has to be a Muslim, free, and owns them in full, i.e., for example, they are not lost or stolen or taken forcefully by someone else. The ripeness of the fruit has to become apparent. In the case of the seed, the seed has to harden.

The nisab of gold is 20 mithqal, which is 84.875 grams of pure gold. The nisab of silver is 200 dirham, which is 594.125 grams of pure silver.

The owner of gold and silver must be a Muslim, free, and have owned them in full for one complete lunar year (hawl). However, there are two exceptions to this condition of hawl: when one extracts gold or silver, or finds a golden or silver treasure, it is not required that one lunar year must pass for Zakat to be due. In this case, Zakat is due immediately.
The amount that one must give as Zakat on the nisab of gold and silver, as well as any amount exceeding it, is 1/4 of 1/10th of the total amount, i.e., 2.5%. For treasure, however, one gives 1/5th of it, i.e., 20%.

Zakat is due on trade articles after the elapse of one lunar year, provided that the value of the trade articles amounts to at least the nisab of gold or silver. The obligation is to give 1/4 of 1/10 of the market value of these articles, i.e., 1/40th of the market value, or 2.5% of the market value.

Zakatul-fitr is obligated for one when one is alive a part of Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramadan))) and a part of Shawwal. The Muslim has to pay this Zakat for himself and for those whom the person supports, if they were Muslims. The due Zakat for each person is a sa^ of the common food of the town, like wheat, rice or the like. This Zakat is obligated, if the Muslim has in his possession an excess which covers his debts and the expenses of one’s needs: Clothing, lodging and the sustenance on the day of the ^Id and the night afterwards. This includes also the expenses for covering these same needs for those whom one must support on the day of the ^Id and the night afterwards.

This Zakat has five different times. The first, is the time when it is permissible to pay it. This time is the month of Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramzan(Ramadan))). The second, is the time when it is an obligation to pay it before that time sets in. This time is when al-Maghrib of the ^Id day sets in. The third, is the time of virtue. It is before the prayer of the ^Id takes place. The fourth, is a disliked time. It is after the prayer of the ^Id is over and before al-Maghrib of that day has sat in. The fifth, is the haram time, when one has still to pay it, but cannot postpone it without a valid excuse up to until this time has sat in. This time is after al-Maghrib of the ^Id day.

In all types of Zakat, the person intends to pay Zakat when they isolate the Zakat aside from the rest of their other possessions.

If you are not already sahib nisab, Zakat shall be wajib (obligatory) after completion of one year. Otherwise, the year of stock-in-trade will complete when the year of gold and silver will complete.

If the amount of rent, after spending the whole year alone or by including other Zakat-able property, reaches up to nisab (nearly 27,000), then Zakat is wajib (obligatory), otherwise not.

It is your kindness and good conduct with your Sali (sister-in-law). May Allah enable you to offer more support! When the amount of Zakat and sadaqah reached your Sali, she became its owner. Now, the food offered by her shall not be considered as Zakat for you, but rather it is from pure money. Therefore, you may eat at her home along with your family; there is no harm. Whenever you have the chance, you should also give her one or two hundred rupees as a gift.

Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim! (Fatwa: 900/900/M=1434) The brother who is poor and entitled to receive Zakat may take Zakat money and may spend the money for the treatment of his cancer. Those brothers who are rich should also support their poor brother.

Zakat shall be paid by giving it to a poor student and making him its owner, whether it is given in form of scholarship, cooked food, clothes; quilt etc provided it is given in the possession of the person whom it is given. If it is given each moth then madrasa shall not bear any loss. Yet, if the scholarship was given and the student left then also the Zakat was paid. However, the food etc which the student used is debt on him, which may be demanded from him. Or you may adopt any other safe method of giving scholarship.

No, it is not permitted to give Zakat to build any type of building because it is not listed in the eight categories in the Qur’an.

You can give your Zakat to a non-Muslim as long as they are eligible per the eight categories in the Qur’an and are not involved in fighting Muslims or forcing them out of their homes.

Your siblings do not depend on you financially so it is possible for you to give Zakat to them provided they are eligible.

Yes, it is possible for you to give Zakat to your aunt or uncle because they are not immediate family and have no obligation to support you, but they must fit it into one of the eight categories.

In the same way children cannot give Zakat to their parents, parents cannot give Zakat to their children because they are their dependants and therefore have a duty to provide for them.

You cannot give Zakat to your parents because as you transcend into adulthood, you have a duty to look after your parents.

You are liable to pay Zakat even on the money that you have inherited and have owned for at least a lunar year. If the person whom you inherited the money from did not pay Zakat, then it is your responsibility to calculate the Zakat on that amount and pay that as well.

It’s never too late to pay Zakat. If you have Zakat due from previous years, then calculate it for each individual year and then make the contribution. It is the duty of every Muslim to pay Zakat every year but if an individual is unable to for whatever reason, he or she can still pay at a later date by calculating all the previous years for which Zakat is owed.

Yes, it can. Provided that the organisation is involved in Zakat donations and uses that money to aid people who are needy, hungry, and need basic necessities of life to survive.

Praise be to Allah.
Zakat is due on wealth if it reaches the nisaab (minimum threshold at which Zakat becomes due) and one full hijri year has passed since it reached the nisaab.
It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (9/281):
Zakat must be paid on what is saved of an employee’s salary and reaches the nisaab by itself or when added to what the individual has of cash, when one year has passed since it reached the nisaab.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
With regard to money that is being saved for marriage, or to build a home, and so on, it is subject to Zakat if it reaches the nisaab and one year has passed since it reached the nisaab, whether it is in the form of gold, silver, or paper currency, because of the general meaning of the evidence which indicates that Zakat is due on whatever reaches the nisaab, after one year has passed, without exception.
End quote from Majmoo‘ Fataawa Ibn Baaz (14/130).
Whether this money is kept at home, or is stored in a bank account, or otherwise, it is subject to Zakat, if it reaches the nisaab and one year has passed since it reached the nisaab.
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas said:
Zakat must be paid on all kinds of wealth, whether it is saved in the bank or otherwise, if it reaches the nisaab by itself or when added to other kinds of wealth, such as trade goods and the like, and one year has passed since it reached the nisaab.
End quote from Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (9/200)
Based on that, with regard to this wealth that is kept in the bank – whether it is in dollars or otherwise – it is subject to Zakat every year.
Secondly: With regard to property that is prepared to be rented out, there is no Zakat on it; rather Zakat is to be paid on the rent, when one year has passed, if it reaches the nisaab by itself or when added to other wealth. Please see the answer to question no. 47760. But if you spend this rent and do not save any of it, then there is no Zakat on it. The same may be said about the money that you earn from tutoring: if you spend it and do not save any of it, there is no Zakat on it. With regard to what you save, when one year has passed, Zakat is due on it.
Thirdly: With regard to the bonds or certificates, so long as you are keeping them for the purpose of benefiting from their profits and not for the purpose of trading in them, there is no Zakat on the capital or principles; rather Zakat is due on the profits or returns, if any of that is saved and one year passes. Whatever you spend of it before one year has passed is not subject to Zakat. For more information and important details on the topic of Zakat on shares, please see question no. 69912.
Fourthly: You should understand that Zakat does not decrease wealth. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) swore an oath to that effect when he said: “Charity does not decrease wealth.” Narrated by Muslim (2588). In fact Zakat is a means of increasing wealth, bringing barakah (blessing) to it and warding off harm from it.
And Allah knows best.

No, you can’t give Zakat to your wife because you are obligated to provide for her irrespective of Zakat.
Ref: Zakat Rules | Orphan Support | Orphans in Need

Wisdom of Zakat
Praise be to Allah.
Firstly: It should be noted that Allah does not prescribe anything that is not for the best reasons and does not achieve the best interests. Allah is the All-Knowing, Who encompasses all things by His knowledge, and He is the All-Wise Who does not prescribe anything except for a reason.
Secondly: Wisdom of Zakat
With regard to the reason behind the prescription of Zakat , the scholars have mentioned many reasons for it, including the following:
1 – To complete and perfect a person’s Islam, because it is one of the pillars of Islam. If a person fulfils it, his Islam is complete. Undoubtedly this is an important aim for every Muslim, and every believing Muslim will strive to perfect his faith.
2 – It is indicative of a person’s sincerity of faith, because wealth is dear to people, and something that is loved will not be given up except for something that is equally or more loved, or rather for something that is more loved. Hence it is called sadaqah, because it is indicative of the sincerity (sidq) of a person’s desire to please Allah, may He be exalted.
3 – It cleanses the character of the one who gives it, so that he is saved from being a miser and is included among the generous, because if he accustoms himself to giving, whether it is giving knowledge or giving wealth or using his position to help others, that giving will become a characteristic for him and will be part of his nature, until he gets upset if there is a day when he does not give. Like the hunter who gets used to hunting, if one day he does not hunt, you will find him feeling anxious. Similarly the one who has gotten used to being generous will feel anxious if he does not give some of his wealth or use his position to help others one day.
4 – It gladdens the heart. If a person gives something, especially wealth, he feels a sense of joy. This is something that is tried and tested, but it is subject to the condition that he gives gladly and willingly, not grudgingly.
Ibn al-Qayyim said in Zaad al-Ma’aad that giving and generosity are means of gladdening the heart, but no one benefits from that except the one who gives gladly and willingly, and gives the wealth from his heart before he gives it from his hand. As for the one who gives from his hand but his heart is still attached to the wealth, his heart, he will never benefit from that giving.
5 – It joins a person to the ranks of the true believers. “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” Just as you love to be given money with which you can meet your needs, you should also love to give it to your brother, thereby you will perfect your faith.
6 – It is one of the means of entering Paradise, because Paradise is for the one who “speaks good words, spreads (the greeting of) salaam, feeds the hungry and prays at night when the people are asleep.” And all of us are striving to enter Paradise.
7 – It makes the Muslim society like a single family, in which those who have the means show compassion to those who do not have the means, and the rich to those who are in hardship. Thus a person feels that he has brothers to whom he must do good as Allah has been good to him. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “and do good as Allah has been good to you” [al-Qasas 28:77] So the Muslim ummah becomes like a single family. This is what is known nowadays as “social security”, but Zakat is better than that, because a person is paying it as an obligatory duty and benefitting his brothers thereby.
8 – It extinguishes the flames of revolution among the poor, for a poor man may be provoked by finding a man who can ride whatever kind of vehicle he wants, and live in whatever kind of palace he wants, and eat whatever kind of food he wants, whereas he has no means of transportation but his own two feet, and can sleep only on the ground, and so on, so undoubtedly he will feel some kind of resentment in his heart. But if the rich are generous to the poor , they will prevent rebellion and soothe their anger and they will say: we have brothers who acknowledge us at times of hardship, so they will feel love towards the rich.
9 – It prevents financial crimes such as robbery and stealing and the like, because the poor will get enough to meet their needs, and they will excuse the rich because they are giving them some of their wealth, and they will see that they are treating them well, so they will not transgress against them.
10 – Salvation from the heat of the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Every man will be in the shade of his charity on the Day of Resurrection.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ (4510). And he listed among those whom Allah will shade with His shade on the Day when there will be no shade but His: “… a man who gives charity and conceals it so much that his left hand does not know what his right hand is doing.” Agreed upon.
11 – It leads a man to learn about the laws of Allah, because he can never pay his Zakat until he has learned the rulings on Zakat, the kinds of wealth that are subject to Zakat and those who are entitled to receive it, and other information that he needs.
12 – It purifies wealth, so that the wealth will grow literally and metaphorically. If a person gives charity from his wealth, this will protect him from problems, and Allah may increase his provision because of his giving charity. Hence it says in the Hadees: “Wealth never decreases because of charity.” Narrated by Muslim, 2588. This is something that is tried and tested, because a miser’s wealth may be overtaken by something that destroys it or most of it, such as fire, and great losses, or sickness that forces him to seek treatment which takes up much of his wealth.
13 – It is a means of bringing down blessings. In the Hadees it says: “No people ever withhold the Zakat of their wealth but rain is withheld from the sky.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 5204.
14 – “Charity given in secret extinguishes the wrath of the Lord,” as was narrated from the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 3759.15 – It wards off a bad death.
16 – It wrestles with the calamity that comes down from heaven and prevents it reaching earth.
17 – It expiates for sins. The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Charity extinguishes sins as water extinguishes fire.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 5136.
Ref: Zakat Rules | Orphan Support | Orphans in Need

1.In the case of responsibility, the land occupied by Zayd, if he wants to make a profit by selling this land for the purpose of buying it, then he will have to pay Zakat on his account, but since he has not paid the full amount of the land, the amount that is now Zayd of the society. is responsible for the debt, after taking out the debt that is the property of Zayd, he will have to pay zakat every year. That is, year after year, zakat will be deducted from the total value of the plot. And if the intention of buying it is not to earn profit by selling it, but to fulfill one's need by selling it on the occasion of a need such as children's education or marriage, then Zakat will not be required before selling this plot.
2. Every year zakat will be deducted from the current value of the plot.
3. In the case of responsibility, zakat will have to be paid on the total value of that time every year.
4. From the time when I decided to use this plot for my own consumption, Zakat will not be obligatory from that time. Note: This answer to 2, 3 is in case you buy a plot with the intention of trade.
Endorsed by: Muhammad Musteem Nadvi
Endorsed by: Nasir Ali
Ref: Url link

In the case of responsibility, as much money as is available after the year has passed, zakat will be given, while the nisab is completed in the beginning of the year (1), it is not a condition for the money to be accumulated.
Written by: Mohammad Tariq Nadvi
Approved by: Nasser Ali Ref: link

Zakat is obligatory on trade goods, if it is equal to the Nisab and the year has passed 3, however, the loan must be waived.
Written by: Mohammad Taseem Nadvi
Approved by: Nasser Ali Ref: link

There is no zakat on these buffaloes. If the remaining cash at the end of the year is equal to the amount of the nisab, zakat will be payable on it.
Written by: Zahoor Nadvi
Ref: link

Payment of zakat is obligatory upon receipt of the accumulated amount of the provident fund and after the year has passed, zakat is not obligatory until the amount is received
Written by: Mohammad Tariq Nadvi
Approved by: Nasser Ali
Ref: Link