Farmer's son Younis is in urgent need fund to start his livelihood - Help him setup his freelancing work

44.03 %

₹ 30,600 Raised

₹ 69,500 Goal

Cause Ended!

Livelihood Support

Zakat Eligible

I need funds to purchase Laptop & Camera to establish a way to earn some money in order to sustain my family

Zakat Eligible: Yes


My Story
My name is Younis & I am from a Rural area of Kashmir. I want to start a freelancing website for which I require a Laptop & Camera.
I belong to an Agrarian family. My family have a total of five members which includes father, mother, two brothers & one sister. We have very small l&holding on which Agricultural work is done by my 72 years old father who is helped by all family members. Farming income is not enough to sustain our family.
In rural Kashmir, livelihood opportunity is very limited.
In this distressful economical condition, I want to start a freelancing website to support my family. Thus, I need your help to buy Laptop & Camera to run a decent freelancing website.

I hope you will be helpful to me, may Allah bless all of you & give multiple times what you give to me.


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Created -21 Feb, 2021
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