₹ 25,850 Raised
₹ 25,850 Goal
Successfully Completed
Zakat Eligible
Give wings to this young girl to fly towards the dream.
Zakat Eligible: Yes
Ayesha masoor is from Kolkata she completed X std with an overall 'A' grade (79%). She just put one step out towards her dream as she wants to become a successful gynaecologists. & with a pure heart in the future, her ambition is to serve the poor women free of cost.
But the dream is far to achieve as she just pursuing XI science, due to the COVID p&emic her father lost his job who is the only bread earner in the family. Her parents faced a challenge to arrange the fees but it's very difficult for them as she has 3 siblings & all of them are students. she only needs an amount of Rs 25850 as her school fees. Your small contribution makes her dream alive. Please donate now.
May Allah reward you in the best way for your charity.
Jazak Allah
₹ 2850.00
5 yrs ago₹ 10000.00
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5 yrs ago₹ 200.00
5 yrs ago₹ 500.00
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5 yrs ago₹ 1000.00
5 yrs ago₹ 500.00
5 yrs ago₹ 500.00
5 yrs ago₹ 300.00
5 yrs ago
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